In the field of IT systems, Elektra Invest covers the part of ITS systems (Intelligent Transport Systems on highways) and data systems and infrastructure/networks (used in the Smart City projects), beeing able to offer all the necessary services and act as EPCC.

The ITS system consists of:
  • Traffic monitoring and classification using multiple technologies (inductive loops, video detection, radar)
  • Weather monitoring and forecasting
  • Dynamic weighing system
  • Variable Message Boards (VMS)
  • Automatic incident detection
  • Video monitoring
  • Integrated control center

In the past 3 years Elektra Invest has successfully completed over 20 ITS systems and data infrastructure/network projects, and at the moment another 10 such works are in progress.

For the complete list of projects in which our company has carried out the execution for electrical networks, please consult Road Infrastructure Projects.